Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why You Should NOT Complete a 17-Hour Day

I don't have much to say in this post because honestly, I haven't been to work since that fateful 17 hour day. I had relaxing days on Monday and Tuesday... but something started on Monday... a nasty cough. It wasn't awful, so I completed the plans I had for the day. Tuesday it got a little bit worse, but nothing I couldn't handle, until it was time to go to bed Tuesday night and like a wave I suddenly felt really sick and had to take NyQuil to go to sleep and ibuprofen to reduce my fever. I woke up and felt awful. If it had been a register shift, I might have survived, but it was a put away, heavy lifting, work fast kinda shift, and I knew that would only make it worse. So I called in, thinking I could go in for my shift today. Well, right before I went to bed last night I had this awful, shooting pain in my side. I took some medicine for it and thought I would sleep it off. Well, I woke up this morning and it was worse with the pain now going towards my back. Once again, for a heavy lifting shift and a bad back, I had to call in.

So the moral of the story? Don't work 17-hour days to try to get ahead. They will surely just push you behind.

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