Thursday, May 16, 2013

There's a Lot of Beauty in Ordinary Things... Isn't that Kind of the Point?

One day in college my roommate asked me if I had ever watched The Office. She put on one of the episodes of Season 2, The Injury, and the rest, as they say, is history. Most Thursdays for the next five years I would buckle down with friends, family, my dog and even my own musings to watch a seemingly mundane show about a paper company. Better yet, for someone who can't fall asleep without something on in the background, The Office became my lullaby. Jim and Pam were the fairytale I fell asleep to every night.

The cast of The Office says that everyone thinks they're Jim and Pam, when really they're Kelly and Ryan. And as much as I love Jim and Pam's story, I've always been pretty good at doing impressions of Kelly. I'd like to think I'm somewhere in the middle between the two. See, I can point to that moment in my life where I ran across the hot coal and spoke my mind to those who needed to hear it. I can also talk just as much as Kelly can about romantic comedies and the order they might show up in Netflix.

I won't spoil the ending of The Office for anyone. I won't say who came back or what was said or what happened to everyone's favorite characters. I'll just say that it was absolutely perfect. It was the best send-off any fan could ask for. Better yet, it reminds us that our lives are so much more than what other people might see. It reminds us that we keep on living, even when no one's watching.

Like I said, it was perfect.


  1. I cried my eyes out... Even more tears then when Jim & Pam got married, even more then when Michael left.... Oy. That show was wonderful! When my husband was deployed, we would watch the same episodes on the same days (amen for boxed sets!) and then that kept us connected. I'll miss it for sure!

  2. I am so touched by your sentence "We keep on living, even when no one's watching." It is both wise and inspiring.
