Monday, August 8, 2011

Finally Back at Regis-wait... you need me to be a stocker tonight?!?!

Today was my first day scheduled back as a normal register shift... and three hours before my shift was supposed to start I get a text from one of my roommates: Deployment just called, they need you to come in as stock tonight.



It's like someone up there is pointing down and laughing at me each time. Yes, Rory, we'll give you a little hope at something normal, but WAIT, come back and do this instead.

I mean, it was fine. Seriously. I've started taking pride in my stocking skills these days... and at least it was a non-HOH, non-morning shift and I got to work with and see some of my favorites. This is one of the hard parts of always getting HOH shifts: I never see any of my friends at work anymore ='(

I've decided if things don't change I'm going to start picking up shifts and having more 14-hour days. Register shifts are seriously *that* important to me. I wish I could make someone higher up see that, so I'll just have to prove to them that I'm a hard worker.

*Basic Story of the Day*
On my way toward my one and only break today I passed a family talking with the CM outside Splash Mtn. The CM was trying to suggest they go in the Splash store, but I stopped to let them know it was down. The guest really needed flip flops (her shoes broke!), and the only open place we sold them was Trading Post (a 5-10 min trip back and forth). So I offered to go grab the shoes and bring them back. As a result, my break was delayed about 30 minutes, but it was totally worth it, and it really made the guest happy. My closing manager was also impressed, so that's good =D

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