Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sick, Terrified and Determined

So, as you know from my other post, I've been sick the past week. For a few days it was bad enough for me to call into work (which I really don't like doing). When I was Seasonal I knew that I could call in 3 times in a row sick and it only count as one point, so that's what I did, with the goal to be better by, if not before, the 4th day.

Well, there was one little tiny eensy small detail that turned my last day of "recovery" into a sorta hellish nightmare. CPs don't fall under the normal CM guidelines... we're only allowed to be sick one day. So instead of getting one small point, I ended up racking 3. That equals a reprimand. Not good.

We get ONE reprieve. If we go to the doctor and get a note excusing us, and then bring that to health services and their nurse excuses us, THEN we can have it only count as one point. Well, the minute I found this out I was out of the apartment and on my way between Health Services and Walgreens to see a doctor and prove to the World that I really was sick. (On the plus side, I did get much needed cough medicine...)

I worked myself up that I was in BIG trouble that I actually made myself more sick... but return to work I had to on Saturday. Just as a FYI, coughing while lifting boxes should be some sort of hazard... I actually don't hate working the early morning HOH shifts.... just that I don't have any register shifts.

Today I got my schedule and saw that I was working half registers and half HOH next week! Excitement beyond words! I did, however, decide that I would make the most out of my HOH shifts. After all, it is a great opportunity to know more about the stock rooms and where everything belongs. Also, during the second half of the shift, it's really easy to talk with guests and still provide that world-class guest service!

So the moral of the story: if you call in, you better be dying (or already dead) and make the most out of whatever situation puts itself in your way. After all, isn't character defined by how we face our challenges?

Keep choosing to be happy <3 I'll let you all know more about the rest of my HOH shifts this week!

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you are feeling much better! Being sick is crappy, and especially when its so hot outside :).
