Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sick, Terrified and Determined

So, as you know from my other post, I've been sick the past week. For a few days it was bad enough for me to call into work (which I really don't like doing). When I was Seasonal I knew that I could call in 3 times in a row sick and it only count as one point, so that's what I did, with the goal to be better by, if not before, the 4th day.

Well, there was one little tiny eensy small detail that turned my last day of "recovery" into a sorta hellish nightmare. CPs don't fall under the normal CM guidelines... we're only allowed to be sick one day. So instead of getting one small point, I ended up racking 3. That equals a reprimand. Not good.

We get ONE reprieve. If we go to the doctor and get a note excusing us, and then bring that to health services and their nurse excuses us, THEN we can have it only count as one point. Well, the minute I found this out I was out of the apartment and on my way between Health Services and Walgreens to see a doctor and prove to the World that I really was sick. (On the plus side, I did get much needed cough medicine...)

I worked myself up that I was in BIG trouble that I actually made myself more sick... but return to work I had to on Saturday. Just as a FYI, coughing while lifting boxes should be some sort of hazard... I actually don't hate working the early morning HOH shifts.... just that I don't have any register shifts.

Today I got my schedule and saw that I was working half registers and half HOH next week! Excitement beyond words! I did, however, decide that I would make the most out of my HOH shifts. After all, it is a great opportunity to know more about the stock rooms and where everything belongs. Also, during the second half of the shift, it's really easy to talk with guests and still provide that world-class guest service!

So the moral of the story: if you call in, you better be dying (or already dead) and make the most out of whatever situation puts itself in your way. After all, isn't character defined by how we face our challenges?

Keep choosing to be happy <3 I'll let you all know more about the rest of my HOH shifts this week!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why You Should NOT Complete a 17-Hour Day

I don't have much to say in this post because honestly, I haven't been to work since that fateful 17 hour day. I had relaxing days on Monday and Tuesday... but something started on Monday... a nasty cough. It wasn't awful, so I completed the plans I had for the day. Tuesday it got a little bit worse, but nothing I couldn't handle, until it was time to go to bed Tuesday night and like a wave I suddenly felt really sick and had to take NyQuil to go to sleep and ibuprofen to reduce my fever. I woke up and felt awful. If it had been a register shift, I might have survived, but it was a put away, heavy lifting, work fast kinda shift, and I knew that would only make it worse. So I called in, thinking I could go in for my shift today. Well, right before I went to bed last night I had this awful, shooting pain in my side. I took some medicine for it and thought I would sleep it off. Well, I woke up this morning and it was worse with the pain now going towards my back. Once again, for a heavy lifting shift and a bad back, I had to call in.

So the moral of the story? Don't work 17-hour days to try to get ahead. They will surely just push you behind.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So How DO You Survive a 17-Hour Day?

I think I'm at that point where I am BEYOND exhaustion. If my head hits the pillow I most certainly will fall asleep in an instant... but while it's still on my mind, let me tell you about the past 24 hours.

Yesterday was my first 5AM put away shift... at this point I was thinking it was the first of only 5 and it would be over soon. Soon it would be some other poor CP's task to have a week of waking up at 3:30AM to get to work. I was amazed how fast the day went, so I thought if I picked up a shift after my shift today it would be ok.

Here's my problem: I want to work in a high volume guest area. I'm a people person, I thrive on human contact... and they stick me in a tunnel with the mole people. Not saying anything against the usual HOH stockers, just that these shifts don't see a lot of guests. It was Saturday that I heard the awful news: being the only CP in my program to work this shift, I would most likely be stuck with it... for the rest of my program. WHAT?!?!?! No, no, no, no this is NOT good.

I spent the rest of the day fearing Sunday when my schedule drops. I went home. I took a short nap, which of course ruined my sleep schedule for the rest of the night. I finally got to sleep around 1:30A.... 2 hours before I had to wake up for my next HOH shift. When I got up this morning everything was fine. I double packed a bag so I had breakfast and dinner, and all the stuff I needed for both costumes, as well as for some free time in the park. I stopped at McDonald's on my way in for coffee... where even the guy at the drive-thru was amazed I was only heading into work.

Then I got to work, clocked in, and... moment of truth... checked my schedule for next week. NO CHANGE. All either HOH or early morning stock shifts. For the next 2 hours I was close to tears, thinking *this* is what I would have to do for the next few months. All my CP friends get register shifts... maybe some stock... but not all stock. After talking with some more CPs I discovered that this will most likely be my fate, unless I do something about it. And this is where I step into action.

After my HOH shift ended I drove home for a quick break before my register shift (that I picked up) for the evening. I wasn't originally planning on this, but today's HOH shift was a slight physical toll... Argument #1.

This evening I worked in Splash all night. I made sure to stay super friendly, as always, and to keep pepped up. I made sure to greet my manager and explain to him that I was back because I have to get register shifts in order to stay in practice with guest relations... he's not my scheduling manager, but it's a good start. Today was tiring, exhausting, and one of those awful days, but I didn't let it show to the guests, or to my managers. If this is what I have to do to tell them I'm serious about working registers, than this is what I'll do.

I'm going to work tomorrow on drafting an email to my scheduling manager about why I feel I should be taken off HOH shifts. It feels like the first adult email I have to send... feels almost like I'm asking for a raise or something, because I want to work with guests. I want to prove I'm worthy, and most importantly I want to be taken seriously, as a professional.

17-Hour Days? Yeah, I've got those.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Top 10 Disney YouTube Videos

So today I have off and I drove up to Gainesville to clean out the rest of my apartment. One thing I love about being up here is the space! A whole apartment to myself... quite a change from having 5 other roommates! I also have my own full size bed which is SO much more comfortable! Also, the most important aspect of my apartment right now: fast internet connection. If I hadn't mentioned it before, the internet connection at Patterson is SLOW. If I want to watch movies or tv shows through the internet I have to wait almost twice the time of the show for it to load. Hulu is absolutely useless since it reloads every commercial. Youtube is less enjoyable since you eventually get sick and tired of waiting for everything to load. So, when I'm home, or in this case in my home away from home, I like to take advantage of the high-speed access. That is why today's post features some of my all-time favorite Disney YouTube videos.

When I have decent internet, I like to browse YouTube for some awesome Disney moments. Sometimes it's fun "We're going to Disney World!" moments; sometimes it's engagements or weddings; sometimes it's magical moments. I also sometimes looking up things that you wouldn't necessarily always see at Disney... you'll see what I mean. So without further ado, my top 10 Favorite Disney YouTube Videos:

10. Star Tours: Darth Vadar Goes to Disneyland

I didn't want to have any Disney-made videos on this countdown (like the highly suspicious Musical Proposal viral video), but I just couldn't imagine a countdown without this very well made ad for the new Star Tours ride at Disneyland California. Best part hands down? Darth Vadar riding Dumbo =D

9. Disney Surprise gone wrong

I love watching videos of kids finding out their going to Disney. As a kid who grew up in Orlando, it wasn't a big deal to say we were going to Disney, but so many families save save and save to be able to spend only a few days at the resort. This video makes me scared to ever surprise my kids.... (although I love the little girl's response!)

8. SURPRISE KIDS, we're going to Disney!!

And if that last video hurt a bit, this one's a bit worse. THREE kids in this one...

7. Surprise Trip to Disney World - Christmas 2009

But there are plenty of videos around that show true joy and excitement when kids find out their going to Disney. This is one of my favorites because the way the parents presented it, and even provided a way for their children to save money for the trip! Best quote: "I always wanted to know how much money I had!"

6. Caleigh meeting Mickey for the First Time!

It's so exciting to see the pure joy in kid's faces when they first see Mickey! This little girl is a perfect representation!

5. 4 for a dollar/Return 2 Zero

This video and some of the next few relate more to my own Disney memories (though not my own videos). Whenever my sister and I would spend the day at MGM (now Disney's Hollywood Studios) we would watch the Beauty and the Beast show at least 3 times. Before each show a opening act--4 for a Dollar--performed an a cappella set. Eventually we started recognizing which group members sang which songs and developed our own favorites.

4. Funniest kids of tower of terror

It took me years to go on Tower of Terror without closing my eyes and gripping my mom's hand so she could tell me what was happening. I liked the ride, but hated the anticipation. The little boy's face in this video pretty much encompasses how I always felt.

3. Disney World Fireworks Display "Wishes" Magic Kingdom #7

The best fireworks show. Ever.

2. Surprise Proposal in WDW!!!!!!

I'm a sucker for Disney proposals. I used to hate them (long story, but suffice to say I've seen my fair share of them) but now I can spend hours watching them on YouTube. This is by far my favorite, mostly for the reaction of everyone around them. Also, for the shear simplicity. It's not necessarily my own ideal proposal, but it's cute for this couple (and also coincidentally for a friend of mine who was proposed to in the same location!)

1. Epcot American Proposal

Alright, you've watched these videos, you've got happy tears in your eyes, now prepare to weep. I'm not sure what makes this better: the fact that the couple is SO adorable, or the fact that it's a bit of Disney magic for a cast member. Either way, at the moment, this is my favorite magical Disney YouTube video. *Make sure you have tissues ready!*

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"I Wish We'd Never Have to Grow Up"

Sometimes I just love that Disney is a place for kids of all ages.

I worked in Upper Frontierland today, the location where you can watch all the parades and fireworks. It was an 11-hour day, but to be honest, it didn't feel like it. I spent most of my time at Big Al's, the outdoor location. I spent most of my day playing with bubble guns and string-things and wearing cowboy hats. I was merchantaining at it's finest today, handing out special occasion pins and singing happy birthday. Today myself and my coworkers truly displayed excellent guest service.

There's a quote they say at the Magic Kingdom's opening: "Whether it is your first visit, or your one-hundredth, we know you'll have a magical day."

As someone who's been to the parks countless times, it sometimes stinks that Disney focuses so much on someone's first visit. Of course you won't forget your first time (unless you're like me and you were a baby), but I think the quote says it all. So when I ask someone what number trip it is, and they're not on their first, they usually think they won't get something. Instead I take a marker and make a 1st visit pin say 15th visit instead.

Today I got to be a kid at work. I played with all the toys and gadgets, and I got to watch the parade and fireworks. Wishes always makes me nostalgic, I absolutely love it. And for the second Electric Light Parade I was the only person on my side of the street, so all the characters waved at me, and Mickey even drew a heart with his hands and pointed at me. Yup. It made me happy.

This goes back to saying what I said before: if you choose to be happy, you most certainly will be!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Late Nights and Early Mornings

It is currently 8:45PM. I LEAVE for work in 30 minutes. I start work in 90. I get off work at 4:15AM. Ah, the life of a Disney CP.

In Frontierland most CPs get the late hours. My sleep pattern is used to that, to staying up til early morning and sleeping til early afternoon.

Starting Saturday, however, my sleeping pattern is going to change. Instead of late nights, I'm working early mornings. And no, I don't mean 7AM or later, no. I'm talking about 5AM-1:30PM shifts. 5 of them. And the one that I have next week that isn't a 5AM shift? Yeah, try 6:45AM. Somebody clearly hates me.

My hope is that after this sort of hell week, I'll be able to go back to the late nights. That is, at least, my hope. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Just as Happy When You Leave?

At work today I got to merchantain with a stuffed animal Paschale from Tangled. I had fun with him, with my coworkers, and overall had a pleasant time at work today. On the bus, however, something odd hit me. I wasn't happy.

I couldn't tell you why. I can't seem to pinpoint what's disturbing me, even now. Sometimes we say we unscrew our smiles when we step off-stage. That's exactly what today felt like. Sometimes, you're just not happy.

If 10 years ago someone asked me where I thought I'd be, I would never have thought I'd be working for Disney. Better yet, I'm pretty sure I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be working for Disney, for minimum wage. 10 years ago I thought that at this point in my life I'd be in law school and married (yup, because Annie Banks became Annie Banks McKenzie when she was 22... don't know the reference? Look it up =D ).

Well, times have changed, my life has changed, and I'm nowhere near where I'd thought I'd be. I do, however, firmly believe that in order to be happy you must first decide to be happy. That's what we do everyday at work, and that's why on stage we're always happy. It's just time to bring a little bit of that Disney magic back home with me.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Magic Kingdom v. Hollywood Studios

Ok, so I've been flabbergasted for a bit about how much more on theme Magic Kingdom is. Just the mere thought of walking into Fantasyland in my hoe-down gear slightly scares me, however I always see Mania and Sunset people walking all over DHS. And then it just hit me:

At Magic Kingdom the idea is Fantasy... you need to be totally immersed in you're own land. But at DHS the idea is Hollywood, on with the show... and what happens on a hot set? Actors walk around, all over the set in costumes from whatever show. All of DHS is like a hot set, or a movie studio with costumed actors walking to their scene. It's totally still themed!

A Non-College All-Nighter?

Good evening/morning depending how you look at it! I got off work at 3:15AM and I haven't gone to bed yet. It's now 6:30AM, and we have inspection today.

For those of you who don't know, CPs living in Disney housing must go through monthly apartment inspections to make sure we're not making a mess of the place. There are 4 categories that you can fall under during inspections:

1. Fail - your apartment grossly does not meet Disney cleanliness guidelines. Consequence: They take pictures of your apartment and send them to your work leaders and also send in a cleaning crew (which you will have to pay for).

2. Simple Pass - your apartment is tidy, though not necessarily clean. There are smudges on mirrors/dust on the TV/the bed isn't made. It's not bad enough to constitute a fail, so you get a simple pass with no reward or consequence.

3. Pass (Looks Good) - your apartment is clean and tidy, although only one thing might hold it back from the next level. This can be someone forgot to put a dish away, or something small. Reward: small snacks for the roommates.

4. White Glove Award - the most prestigious award for cleaning the apartment. Your apartment must be spotless, nothing out of place, nothing with smudges. Reward: a box of Ferraro Roche Chocolates.

This is my apartment's first inspection. We decided about a week ago to split our tasks. There are 6 of us, 2 per room. This is how we split our tasks:

Kitchen - trash/dishes; own side of room
Kitchen - counters/floors; own side of room
Living Room - vacuum, dust, clean; own side of room
Bathroom 1; own side of room
Bathroom 2; own side of room
Bathroom 3; own side of room

I can't say it went off without a hitch, especially now that it's the morning of inspection and we're not yet White Glove-worthy, but I would definitely consider our apartment clean. I hope we can keep it looking this way, because it looks lovely right now.

I just deleted a long paragraph about roommate relations and cleaning. Let's just say that everyone should clean up after themselves and there would be no issues.

So it's almost 7AM right now and where am I? Watching the sunrise on my balcony. It can be easy to take the Florida scenery for granted when you've grown up with it, but our sunrises and sunsets often take your breath away.

I've gotta figure out now what I can do to stay awake for the next 3 hours before inspection. Luckily I have the day off, so once they swoop by I'm going right to bed!

Til next time!

UPDATE: We got the White Glove Award!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's a Zip-a-Dee-Do-Da Day

Once again, seems like it's been awhile in between posts. I always seem to remember to post on Saturdays.

Work's been great. I'm still loving Frontierland, although, as always, there are some disadvantages. For example: Splash Photos and Gifts is at the exit to Splash Mountain. When the ride breaks down (or shuts due to weather) all the people on the ride or far in line at the time still have to exit through our shop. This means we get many angry, upset guests. Here's an important note you should remember: Merchandise and Attractions are two separate departments (both hard working, however not with each other). Also: It is not our goal as cast members to purposefully break a ride.

It is, however, our goal as Merchandise Cast Members to Merchantain our guests to the best of our abilities, and to make the best out of unfortunate situations. You can imagine how disheartening it might be in one of these situations where you get told by guests "Thanks, you just ruined my child's day", "Happy now? You made my children cry," and, my personal favorite: "Go f*** yourself". It's a great lesson in guest service, which is an area in which I'm highly interested.

One last note: never ever ever ever ever take the ice from a cart that's open for everyone and put in in your mouth or in a place where it will eventually end up on your face. SO many people put their hands, their hats, their rags in these ice bins that it is in NO WAY sanitary. Please, for your own health and safety, never do this. It is our duty as cast members to warn you, but we can't actually stop you from taking the ice.

Tomorrow I have work from 9:15PM - 3:15AM. Suffice to say, I'll update again next week =P

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Upper v. Lower

I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted! Time sure does fly by when you're working at the Happiest Place on Earth!

Today ends my week-long stint working in Lower Frontierland (the Briar Patch and Splash Down Photos and Gifts). Of course most of my shifts will be in this area, but this was the first week where I worked here, free of a trainer. I'm happy to say I enjoy it almost as much as I enjoy working in Upper. In Frontierland Merch there seems to be a divide - most CPs enjoy Lower better, most Full Timers enjoy Upper better. Honestly the one reason I truly enjoy working at Upper is because I love working at the Trading Post, where guests come to buy and trade pins. I love seeing all the different pins, hearing what they're looking for, and most of all, I like being able to hear the parades and fireworks. I do very much miss working at Upper.

Lower has its perks and quirks as well. The best part about Lower is, of course, the pictures. At Splash Down Photos we get to see all the photos of people on the ride. Selling them, printing them, and setting them up for Package Pickup or Resort Delivery is really fun. The only two parts I don't enjoy about Splash Down is Preview (where guests first see their picture and get their number) and Register 2 (which is all by itself and not at all involved with pictures, just merch that no one really buys). Preview would be better if it wasn't outside, but in general you just have people flashing pictures in your face and screaming in your ear. It's not their fault; they're excited, they're on vacation, they don't realize you're there.

Briar Patch is fun, but when it rains the store becomes WAY overcrowded!

I'd write more, but I gotta run to work. Story of my life these days =P Hopefully I won't be too tired to write some more tonight <3