I knew what I was going to make for dinner each night. I knew what exercises I was doing in the mornings or afternoons. I was committed. Day 0 (food prep day) was a phenomenal success with the most delicious sweet potato, cauliflower and chicken dish. I had a lunchbox for work and new containers for my healthy snacks. Day 1 continued the trend, with sit ups being the small start to my workout routine. Work had trail mix (without chocolate!) and fruit and almonds. Even said no to delicious maple cookies (from Canada!). It was all working out.
On the morning of Day 2 I woke up as planned, bright and early. I dragged myself out of bed and got my running gear on. I go to the treadmill and press the on button.... and nothing happens. It's broken, and my whole plan throws itself out the window. I think about going outside to walk, but it's too dark out, and I don't even have my armband for my phone yet. I resign my morning to looking on Amazon for a band that can be delivered same day and a pair of wireless headphones.

My dad was able to pull a miracle and fixed the treadmill, and I had a couple days where I was able to get on it, and then my ankle started hurting. I got about half my walk in before I switched to more sit ups and free weights. I decided to take a break the next day, because my body clearly wasn't liking me this week.
For the first time when starting a new workout/eating regimen the food was easier than the working out. This week was hard, and not everything I wanted to do was accomplished, but looking back at it now, I choose to take comfort in the things that did work - the recipes I chose to make and the few workouts I did get in. With this knowledge, I'll switch it up a little this week.
I'm doing the Princess 5K next Friday with my cousin and two friends who did it last year. It will be my cousin's first time. This was the run that made me want to be better at running, and I want to share that joy and fun with my cousin. I'm really hoping this week goes better than last. I have faith in myself, and I really hope there are others out there who believe in me. I've tried not to share my journey so much this trip around, because I see so much disappointment when I fail.
There are so many I want to prove wrong, so many I want to be strong for, and still so many hurdles to stumble my way over. And so starts another week, with hopefully more flexibility and willingness to roll with the punches bound to hit me.