When I started the program I promised myself I wouldn't get too attached. I just said goodbye to all my friends from college, packed everything up and moved on to start a new life. I knew that at the start of January any new friends I made would leave Orlando and I'd be back to square one. I figured it'd be easier to not care about anyone and then not have to go through the separation anxiety again.
Well, we all know I was fooling myself. I like people too much, I make friends easily, and already I don't want them to leave.
So many of them have to make due this holiday season--they have to attempt their mom's greatest recipes alone, celebrate on non-holiday days, make their own traditions. It really humbles me--I have my family here. My best friends are all coming home for the holidays. And I get to celebrate with my co-workers in their own special way. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so many tidings of good cheer!
Yesterday one of my co-workers hosted Thanksgiving at her place--it was fabulous! "Turkey" (rotisserie chicken since none of us liked turkey), stuffing, potatoes and green bean casserole. Pumpkin Pie for dessert, sparkling grape juice for drinks. She decorated her apartment and we played games and watched the Jim Carey "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". It was Thanksgiving.
Tomorrow I'll be home with my parents, watching the parade, drinking hot chocolate, eating ravioli (tradition!), and helping cook a wonderful meal. Friday we'll pack in the car really early to do some fun shopping. Saturday evening I'll watch the UF/FSU game with some of my best friends, a tradition every year (*cough*gogators*cough*).
So thank you, everyone, from the bottom of my heart. I am blessed to have so many people in my life to celebrate the season.
If you know someone who might be lonely this Season. If you know someone in need of a friend or someone to hang out with, invite them to your celebration--share the joy and happiness. You too will find yourself blessed <3